Have you heard of POC ( Piece of Cake ) yet? I don't know very much about this initiative, but it was started by Charles Freger, who I first heard about the other night when I went to see his and Bill Sullivan's Exhibition at Caption Gallery. If someone could explain POC better to me, I would appreciate it, but its collective members are made up of some of my favorite contemporary photographers, new friends, old friends, and past teachers. The list includes Ben Gest, Kelli Connell, Bill Sullivan, Amy Stein, Brian Ulrich, and more.
Funny story about the above picture... I know the man sitting on the chair. I met him in Namibia a few years ago at a town meeting in Windhoek. The Ova-Hereros are some of the warmest people I have ever met, and they invited my fellow travelers and I in for discussion and dinner.
A war and resulting mass genocide of the Hereros in 1904 by the Germans, left these people with very little, and no recognition from the German government for their actions. It wasn't until the 100 year anniversary when Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul , apologized for the genocide on behalf of the German people.
Despite a history of oppression, the individuals I met during my time in Namibia are still making strong moves to be heard. This story is an important one in history, and I am incredibly impressed with the way Freger approached these subjects
© Charles FrégerHereros 16, Hereros , 2007